Heart-Centered Design is a set of principles we’ve developed at Gould Studio to provide a framework for meaningful work.
Inspired by spiritual aspirations, it is formed at the intersection of design as an outward practice and the spiritual experience of beneficial inward transformation.
With every project we work on, Heart-Centered Design helps us to ask better questions about ourselves and the work that we do—both as a team, and individuals.
It ensures that we produce great results for our like-hearted clients, and also make a positive impact on the world around us, by starting within.
The above principles give us a new modality for thinking about our role, responsibility, and potential as designers; steering us away from designing for addiction and distraction, and towards designing for wellbeing, social good, and inclusion.
Heart-Centered Design allows us to elevate our work beyond appearances by going deep to create brands, products and experiences that are value-driven. This means we can do good in the world while fulfilling—and often transcending—the ambitions of our clients.