Showcasing the Global Islamic Economy

Our team has played a pivotal role in designing for many influential and pioneering organisations across the emerging $2.1T Global Islamic Economy. Highlights include a close collaboration with Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre (DIEDC) and global advisory firm DinarStandard.

Our ongoing design partnership with DIEDC & DinarStandard has involved a wide spectrum of strategic design & consulting projects, including research-based, design-led brand development with global impact.

  • Brand Architecture
  • Visual Identity
  • Creative Campaigns
  • Event Design
  • Reports and Infographics
  • Motion Graphics

Gould Studio was engaged for strategic experience design, communication & event design for the Global Islamic Economy Summit in 2020. This involved actively researching, surveying and profiling a range of event personas with specific requirements and interests to ensure a compelling, unique GIES event.

When event plans were changed due to COVID-19, our team was able to rapidly coordinate with several partners and help lead a digital series of events in 2020.

Reimagining the landmark State of the Global Islamic Economy Report for a global launch

The State of the Global Islamic Economy Report is a highly influential publication cited by thousands of organisations, startups and institutions. In collaboration with Dinar Standard, Refinitiv, and DIEDC; the report was officially launched at NASDAQ Dubai and six global launch locations.

Our task was to create a unique design for the 2019/20 report from the cover to original infographics and designing a system around the reading experience to communicate the report’s findings as effectively as possible. We also developed launch-ready content such as video animations to bring the report to life on the big screen.

“Excellent work Gould Studio team. The Report launch in Dubai was very well received – especially the design and animation. My gratitude on striving for excellence with us. You helped us shine!”
Rafi-uddin Shikoh – Managing Director, Dinar Standard

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